
Release of Endorphins


There is a chemical that is released in our bodies which gives us a feeling of power, a feeling of euphoria and a rush of excitement. The chemicals are endorphins. These endorphins are released because we may be feeling stressed, in pain or expect danger. Over 20 types of different endorphins have been found in human bodies. Although they can make us feel good, endorphins can be bad for us as we can become addicted to the feeling, just the way we can become addicted to drugs.

Runners High

If an endurance runner ran for over 20 minutes the fatigue and pain they experience would be over took by endorphins, making them feel excited and high, getting a rush of exhilaration. The endorphins benefit us as they allow us to carry on further than what we could without them, as they hide the pain and make us feel strong and happy. When runners experience it is called “runners high” as they experience strong feelings as if they were actually high.



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