Mood Control



When we release tension, for example in the gym or on a punch bag in the gym, it is given the name catharsis. It is one of our most important needs in life. This is because if we never got to release the tension, it would just carry on building up inside of us, and it could even lead to serious mental problems. We could start to become very hostile and over aggressive in different situations and start suffering from stress. Therefore if we do exercise and release all of our tension then it can prevent us from becoming aggressive towards people and stop us from snapping.


Eustress is a good form of stress that is caused through exercise. Eustress gives us bursts and bouts of energy, giving us direction and even fulfilling our needs. Without stress a lot of people can become totally unmotivated and lazy, so doing exercise prevents this and prevents us becoming bored or depressed. The eustress from exercise gives us a bit of excitement and helps us to have a upbeat mood.


There are a lot of opportunities to socialise while doing exercise, you could do it with old friends or for example if you were at a gym you could meet a lot of new people. If you joined a team it is an excellent chance to gain a close group of friends while playing your favourite sports. When you join a gym or a team you meet people with mutual interests and you obviously enjoy exercise. Meeting new people could also help motivate you to further achieve your goals.


       Exercise Duration and Mood State: How Much is Enough to Feel Better?

       Hansen CJ, Stevens LC, Coast JR
Health Psychol 2001 Jul;20(4):267-75
The effects of exercise duration on mood state were examined. In a repeated-measures design, the Profile of Mood States inventory (D. M. McNair, M. Lorr, & L. F. Droppleman, 1971) was administered before and after 1 quiet resting trial and 3 exercise trials of 10, 20, and 30 min on a bicycle ergometer. Heart rate levels were controlled at 60% of the participant's estimated VO2max level. An overall analysis of variance found improved levels of vigor with reduced levels of confusion, fatigue, and total negative mood. Planned analyses revealed that the improvements in vigor, fatigue, and total mood occurred after 10 min of exercise, with progressive improvements in confusion over 20 min and with no additional improvement over longer periods. These results complement current recommendations, which suggest that to experience positive fitness and health benefits, healthy adults should participate in a total of 30 min of moderate physical exercise daily, accumulated in short bouts throughout the day.


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