Barriers to Exercise
Some people don’t exercise because they have things stopping them, these are called barriers to exercise.
Lack of Time – Many people do not have enough time to do exercise. These have busy, hectic schedules and find it hard to fit exercise and physical activity into thier lives. Many people work long hours and have to go home to family. Some people may live busy lives and then be to tired to fit exercise into the small gaps they do have.
Lack of Willpower – Many people dont have enough willpower to make themselves do exercise. They can’t get motivated and drive themselves to do any physical activity.
Tiredness – Everyone can always feel too tired to even think about doing exercise. When we cant be bothered to do exercise we arent motivated and it is unlikely that we could motivate ourselves if we are tired. Some people as i said before live a hectic busy lifestyle and can feel tired every night after coming home from work and then having other commitements.
Fear of Injury – Some people are too scared to do exercise as they think they are going to get an injury. They dont want an injury to distrupt thier everyday lives nevermind stop them exercising. They also may be too scared about the potential pain they could feel and what it may do to affect the lives and the way they are living.
Lack of Skill – If a person thinks that they dont have the right skills to perform exercise then they are not going to want to attempt it. They could be worried that they will make a fool out of themselves and embarrased about trying. This means that many people could be uneducated about all the different parts of exercise they could try. There is guaranteed to be something that they are good at. Also people need to realise that exercise doesnt mean going to a gym all the time. They could try team sports or start walking jogging on a night time with friends or family. There is lots to try!
Lack of Resources – Some people dont do exercise because they dont have enough or the correct resources. They may not have the right clothes, equipment. This may mean that they cant afford the correct equipment or just dont know what to get.
Lack of Energy – Some people dont have enough energy to do exercise. They may be focused on other aspects of thier life and physcial activity will be the last thing on thier minds.
Social Influence – If our friends and family dont exercise then it is likely that we wont. This is because we will have noone to exercise with and wont want to miss out on things what our friends and family are doing.